On May 24th, 2010, Got Wildlife? LLC was contacted by Mack-Cali to assist them in an emergency situation. A young deer had jumped over the fence which was protecting the retention pond near the parking lot of a commercial property, owned and managed by Mack-Cali, located in Roseland, New Jersey. Unfortunately, there was a steep slope on the other side of the fence which prevented the deer from jumping back over the fence. The deer was extremely frightened by the crowd that had gathered which included the local police department and fire department. The deer wedged itself into one of the drain pipe canals within the fenced area. It was a difficult situation due to the deer being extremely frightened combined with the location and access to the deer. “We were very concerned that the deer would injure himself, myself, one of the police officers or fireman. I assessed the situation, designed a solution, and executed the plan successfully by releasing the deer safely back into the woods. I am a trained professional in Wildlife Management Services. We understand the animals we deal with and what it takes to resolve a human/wildlife conflict in a timely, professional and humane manner.” stated Dean Weiss, Owner/Operator.