Got Wildlife? LLC has been Contracted by Kraft Foods, Inc.

Got Wildlife? LLC 1-877-FUR-FIND has been contracted by Kraft Foods, Inc. (NYSE: KFT) to provide Wildlife Management Services. Got Wildlife? LLC, based out of Newburgh, NY serves both residential and commercial accounts and provides the following services; Animal Trapping, Removal and Re-Location, Wildlife Damage Prevention and Repairs, Dead Animal Removal and Animal Clearance Certificates. Kraft Foods is the largest confectionery, food, and beverage corporation headquartered in the United States and the second-largest in the world. It markets many brands in more than 155 countries. Kraft Foods believes in quality and seamless operations. Got Wildlife? in New York recently consulted with Kraft Management and devised a humane way to deal with its wildlife issues that were impacting and interrupting its warehouse and logistics operations.

Got Wildlife? takes pride in assisting top companies
like Kraft. Kraft believes in the safety and well being of its product and employees. Got Wildlife? has successfully incorporated tools and a wildlife management strategy to prevent any further exposures to their extensive operations and staff. Got Wildlife? LLC is a full service Wildlife Management provider based out of Newburgh, New York, serving Northern, New Jersey through the Upper Hudson Valley of New York. If you are in need of assistance, please contact us at 1-877 FUR–FIND (1-877-387-3463) or visit us at